We all need a little rest and relaxation. And if you're a mom, finding the time to get away from the responsibilities of the house and the kids can be difficult. But taking the time to get together with some girlfriends, even if it's just for a few hours, can do wonders for recharging your energy.
Some moms don't like the idea of "Mom's Night Out" - often abbreviated MNO. To many moms, it can seem like these girls' nights evolve into time that is "clique-y," with too much gossip and stress, leaving a mom feeling less renewed and more like she time warped back to high school.

At Hawaiian Shaved Ice, we think that there's definitely a way to have a mom's night out that is focused on happiness, friendship, catching up, and freeing yourself from all the needs that come with the job title of "Mommy." When you return home as a more relaxed mom, your kids and partner benefit.
Here are some of our team's favorite activities for Mom's Night Out:
- Dinner and a Chick Flick- because watching Bad Moms is awesome when you're with a bunch of girlfriends
- Go to a Concert - sometimes you just need to dance and sing (and maybe act like a screaming teenager at a Justin Timberlake concert)
- Paint and Wine Night - this works either at a store that specializes in these activities or even just in another mom's home
- Mom's Night In - sometimes it's easier and more relaxing to stay in, so pick one person's house and binge watch a TV show like "Sex in the City," "Grey's Anatomy," or "The Crown"
- Grab some coffee and get blow outs - you can all go back home not only refueled but also with your hair washed, dried, blown out, and styled
- Go bowling - a pitcher of beer and ugly shoes are always a good time with good friends
- Manis and pedis - yes, this is a classic but you can't argue with a good thing
- Antique shopping - who knows what you might find when you're all scouring the stores
- Book club - meet monthly and discuss a book/topic. A great book to start with could be Rachel Hollis' "Girl Wash Your Face."
- Ice cream and shopping - some of our favorite things go perfectly together
- Escape Room - find a local escape experience and pool your mom brains to try to solve all the riddles and clue
In the end, it doesn't really matter how you spend a mom's night out as long as you're having fun. Your time out of the house will be repaid with a happier, healthier mom that's ready to face the challenges at home.